While some battle their unwanted hair with daily shavings, regular waxing treatment or electric epilators, other prefer hair removal via photo-epilation. It provides the opportunity to fully stop or significantly reduce hair growth long-term.
The IPL treatment (“intensed pulsed light”) is low on pain and suitable for hair removal on the face, chest and back, the genital area as well as arms and legs. The target structure of the “pulsed light energy” is the hairs’ pigmentation (melanin). The highly energetic light impulses are absorbed by the hair pigments and lead to the hair root which is being damaged as a result. The darker and thicker the hair, the better the chances of success. White, very fair or red hair cannot be removed with this technique.
Depending on the body region and the individual character of the hair, multiple treatments in four to six weeks intervals are necessary to achieve a significant reduction of hair growth. Usually, six to ten treatments are needed until the desired outcome is attained.
A permanent hair removal with IPL is always preceded by a consultation with a physician to assess the body regions to be treated and the quality of the hair. It is always a physician who confirms the indication for the treatment.
Note: The area to be treated (in each case) must be shaved two days before the appointment.
Discounts are available for multiple regions.