Multimodal Treatment Possibilities

Skin diseases like, for example, chronic psoriasis, severe neurodermatitis (eczema) or an acute allergic reaction to drugs (exanthema) can affect large parts of the skin and require intensive local therapy that can often not be performed by the patient or their relatives at home. This also applies to the treatment of badly healing, deep or often infected wounds, e.g. leg ulcers.

In these cases, treatment at our day hospital is advantageous. It features our practice’s complete therapeutic and diagnostic spectrum.
Our dermatological day hospital closes the gap between inpatient and outpatient treatment.

In our day hospital, the therapies available are equivalent to those provided by inpatient treatment but enable our patients to spend the evening and night at home in their private surroundings. It is also possible to schedule an intensive treatment in the morning before or in the evening after their work so our patients can avoid missing work. Furthermore, the day hospital offers enough room for accompanying persons which is especially important for elderly or very young patients.

During a multiple hour stay, a series of local applications and – if needed – systemic therapies are combined to create an optimal multimodal treatment concept for the individual patient. This way, the desired treatment success can be achieved as fast as possible and – especially important in the case of a chronic dermatosis – recurrences can be prevented effectively:

  • Scales and crust resolving head caps and compresses
  • Disinfectant baths/compresses
  • Astringent baths/compresses
  • Anti-inflammatory fat-humid applications
  • Anti-inflammatory UV therapy (see excimer and vitiligo)
  • Bath – creme – bath – UV therapy sequences
  • Conditioning of wounds/ulcers (enzymatic, mechanic)
  • Complete wound care with atraumatic and hydrocolloidal wound dressings as well as stabile bandages, also those lasting for multiple days (e.g. zinc paste dressing)
